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About Mobility Pool Co.

Tracey Heydon

Stroke Patient - Her Story

In late 2016 Tracey had a stroke which resulted in a right side hemiplegia. As a consequence Tracey used a wheelchair for most of her mobility and had gained approximately 20kg. Tracey commenced hydrotherapy treatment with a physiotherapist at a public pool facility and was beginning to show good improvements in her mobility and upper limb function. However, a conventional public pool setting had some limitations and began to impact Tracey's desire to continue within the public and group setting.


The greatest limitation, however proved to be the impact of COVID-19 when all public and group sessions went into lockdown. All of Tracey's good effort was beginning to decline and she took it upon herself to seek advice from a reputable local pool manufacturer.


"All my life I've worked hard from home. I know having my own pool at home I'll work hard. Relying on someone to pick me up, take me to each pool session, and sharing that space with others was doing my head in."   

After hearing Tracey's story we decided to do something about it. A mobility pool was custom designed in consultation with medical practitioners, clients, and engineers and was finally installed on her property at home. Having a safe and accessible pool at home provided Tracey with a convenience that led to greater frequency of use, a greater variety of exercise progression due to the custom design, and a sense of autonomy over her program timings. 


“I feel like I have gained a sense of control back in my life, from the comfort of home. It was the best decision of my life.”


As a result, Mobility Pool Co was established, recruiting professional and experienced staff along with a network of allied health care providers. Our mission is to provide a quality mobility pool. To assist those that need it the most by understanding their needs.

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